This scripture is so RELEVANT 2024, “So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works. and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Let us remember that the word of God is exactly what it is the word of God.
(The HOLY BIBLE) is a beautiful Global story that has been shared with all of us. What I love about God's word it gives us an invitation for us to come and get born again. I said that to say that the word of God belongs to God we are not to add to it or change it.
The last two weeks have been interesting to me as I have listened to quite a bit of people who use God's name and sound like God but their character shows something different. The word of God is SOLID as a rock. The son of God our Savior is a Solid Rock a stable platform to build from.
It is ok to be creative because our Father in Heaven is also creative he is the Master Designer because he Created Heaven and Earth with his Wisdom. He has designed so many beautiful things that are on Earth.
We have to stay focused using the Bible as our guide as we understand that everything with our Holy Father has a PURPOSE. It is never by chance with God. (So that our Heavenly Father can get ALL the Glory from our works) We work for him we have to do things his way that line up with his WORD.
Not with our agendas but with his. When you build on the foundation of God's word. You will not have to tell people who you are and what you are called to do.
They will just see your light and the darkness will be drawn to the light. The word of God is powerful and it alone will transform souls. God knows who you are, where you are, what you are thinking, and what condition your heart is in. Just live the LIFE that Jesus taught and demonstrated for us to live. Not to perform in front of others but for you to live. The Lord will add to you what you need to reach someone else.